
Your personal task manager, Johnny

This project is maintained by mikhailfaiz

User Guide for Johnny


  1. About
  2. Features
    1. Tasks
    2. Task List
    3. Saving/Loading
  3. Usage
    1. Adding tasks
    2. Deleting tasks
    3. Displaying tasks
    4. Marking tasks as done
    5. Finding tasks
    6. Help page
    7. Exiting the application

1. About

Johnny is a chat bot cum task manager to assist you in keeping track of important tasks in a neat and organised manner. It features a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) and uses a Command Line Interface (CLI) for user input.

2. Features

i. Tasks

Johnny keeps track of 3 types of tasks:

  1. To-Dos: Tasks with no due date
  2. Deadlines: Tasks to be completed by a certain date
  3. Events: Activities/appointments to attend on a certain date

ii. Task List

Johnny keeps track of your tasks using a list which offers the following commands:

  1. Adding: add one of the 3 types of tasks to the list

  2. Deleting: remove a chosen task from the list
  3. Displaying: display the current list
  4. Marking as complete: marks chosen tasks as complete
  5. Finding: search for tasks in the list using keyword(s)

iii. Saving/Loading

Johnny automatically saves the list of tasks whenever a task is added, deleted, or marked as complete.

When the application is launched subsequently, Johnny automatically loads the saved list to be used again.

3. Usage

i. Adding tasks

a. todo - Adds a to-do to the task list.

Syntax Example
todo [DESCRIPTION] todo finish math assignment

Adding todo task

When the todo task is added successfully, Johnny will display a confirmation message that the task has been added to the list.

b. deadline - Adds a deadline to the task list.

Syntax Example
deadline [DESCRIPTION] /[DATE] deadline philo essay /2020-03-12

Adding deadline task

When the deadline task is added successfully, Johnny will display a confirmation message that the task has been added to the list.

c. event - Adds an event to the task list.

Syntax Example
event [DESCRIPTION] /[DATE] event Shermaine's wedding /2020-06-24

Adding deadline task

When the event task is added successfully, Johnny will display a confirmation message that the task has been added to the list.

ii. Deleting tasks

delete - Deletes the chosen task from the task list

Syntax Example
delete [INDEX] delete 2

Deleting a task

When the chosen task has been successfully deleted, Johnny will display a confirmation message.

iii. Displaying task list

list - Displays the current task list

Displaying current task list

iv. Marking tasks as complete

done - Marks a chosen task as done

Syntax Example
done [INDEX] done 1

Marking a task as done

When the chosen task has been successfully marked as done, Johnny will display a confirmation message.

v. Finding a task

find - Displays a sub-list of tasks from the task list that match a given search term

Syntax Example
find [SEARCH_TERM] find Shermaine's wedding

Finding a task

If a matching task(s) is found, Johnny will display the found task(s). If no matches are found, Johnny will display a message stating as such.

vi. Help page

help - Displays a summary of available commands

Syntax Example
help help

Help page

vii. Exiting the application

bye - Closes the application

Syntax Example
bye bye

If command is successfully given, the application will shut down and its window will be closed.